Dumpling Farewell Party

Here are some information I would like you to know:

1. According to voting result, the Dumpling Party will be held on the 10th of June, Friday evening. We will start making dumplings at 6 o’clock. Hopefully we can eat dumplings at 7 o’clock. While you’re eating, the advisory panel (plus Courtney) will present a short skit about Chu Yuan 屈原. The Dragon Boat Festival is to memorialize his greatness that we also make this day as the Poets’ Day.

2. Since that the Fulbright teachers have to hand in their reports to FSE before 6/15, we were thinking to move the deadline for the portfolio to 6/20. That way you can have more time to revise your portfolio if you want. If so, we’d like to change our last Monday meeting to the day of 6/20 instead of 6/13. Those who booked the interviews on the day of 6/20 will be automatically changed to 6/13. i.e. interviews on the day 6/13, portfolios due on 6/20. If you have any problem of this rearrangement, please do let us know ASAP!


short introduction about Chu Yuan 屈原

About 2000 years agoChu Yuana scholarly government officialwas a good and respected man.Howeverbecause of the misdeed of jealous rivalshe eventually fell into disfavor in the emperor’s court.Unable to regain the respect of the emperor.He walked along the Mi Low river with sorrow and then threw himself into the river on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calender.

Because of their admiration for Chu Yuanthe local people living in the village rushed into their boat trying to rescue Chu Yuan from the Mi Low River.They threw rice into the water for the fish so they would not devour Chu Yuan.Although they

were unable to find Chu Yuantheir effort are still memorized today during the dragon Boat Festival.

「端午節」是農曆五月五日,這一天是古代楚國的愛國詩人屈原,因憂國傷時而投汨羅江自殺的日子,為了紀念他,端午節又稱「詩人節」。傳說屈原投江以後, 民眾以粽子投江餵水族, 以免詩人被水族所噬。另外又組許多船隊到汨羅江中尋找屈原的屍體,這是今天端午節吃粽子、划龍船的來源。掛艾草或蒲草,小孩子身上掛著「艾虎」的香囊,男人喝雄黃酒,傳說有避邪、求吉祥的作用。

meeing note, May 16, 2005


Meeting notes


Date & time: 2005/05/16 in the afternoon


Place: 1F, meeting room in the Special Education Building

Topic for today’s meeting: Favorite Poetry

Leading by Dr. Sue Sroda (handouts see the attachment files)



Meeting notes


Date & time: 2005/05/16 in the afternoon


Place: 1F, meeting room in the Special Education Building


The schedule for both the LETs and Fulbright teachers:





































The schedules for Dr. Sue’s one-on-one portfolio consultation on May 30th, Mon.























Dates available for having the Dumpling Farewell Party.

Please choose a time that you think is perfect for the party, we really like EVERYONE to come. It will probably the last time for you to see Joanne, Vickie and all the people in this program for the rest of your life!

(Mark a time that you like)



June 10th, Fri. evening

Sharon, Leanne, Kelly, Alenda, Jason &Elvira, Angela, Angelyn, Joanne

June 11th, Sat

Hopkins, Jennifer, Angelyn, Joanne

June 18th, Sat

Katrina, Alenda

Other suggestions?

Topic for today’s meeting: Favorite Poetry

Leading by Dr. Sue Sroda (handouts see the attachment files)

1. Sharing of everyone’s favorite poem

Joanne Tseng: “Through the YangZi “ from Li Bai(李白)

Buni: “I wandered lonely as a cloud” by William Wordsworth

Jenny: Rhymes from Mother Goose

Jo: “Dove Beach” by ??

James: “ A Poison Tree” by William Blake

Leanne: “Latin is a dead tongue,

Dead as dead can be.

First it killed the Romans,

Now it’s killing me” by Anonymous

Katrina: Shel Silversteins poem : I dont like to go to schools

Alenda: several poems by Robert Frost stopping by woods on a snowy evening

and others

Kelly: Daddys car and turkey(?? Forgive me if I am wrong, please tell me the


Ariel: Not in Vain by Emily Dickinson

meeing note, May 2, 2005


Meeting notes


Date & time: 2005/05/02 1:30 in the afternoon


Place: 1F, meeting room in the Special Education Building


1. Happy Squad will be presenting for the opening show at the English Easy Go.

2. All the Fulbright teachers will attend the Coffee Corner Stand providing conversation with students.

3. Courtney will like to invite all the Fulbright teachers to go the main campus of FoGuang University at Jiao Si.

Topic for today’s meeting: Textbook Evaluation



Meeting notes


Date & time: 2005/05/02 1:30 in the afternoon


Place: 1F, meeting room in the Special Education Building


1. Happy Squad will be presenting for the opening show at the English Easy Go.

2. All the Fulbright teachers will attend the Coffee Corner Stand providing conversation with students.

3. Courtney will like to invite all the Fulbright teachers to go the main campus of FoGuang University at Jiao Si.

Topic for today’s meeting: Textbook Evaluation

1. Details see Handouts from Sue .

2. Teachers have the right to delete or add some content that are inappropriate, sometimes not the entire unit but part of the unit.

3. Group discussions on your ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’ of an English textbook:

Group A:

clear layout and design

distracting features

useful vocab and easy sentence pattern

too many grammar structures

clear pronounced CDs

consistency in phonics

authentic materials

easy to learn songs and catchy tunes

Group B

vocab, grammar, phonics & conversation together integrated content & skills

bad chants and songs and grammar

emphasizes conversation used

cultural connection is not authentic

connection between text and workbook

no practical vocab for phonics

activities practice in workbook

Group C

consistent organization

songs with unfamiliar

relevant English(e.g. Classroom English) also interesting English(animals: iguana)

age level appropriate

teacher’s book & material(e.g. flash cards)

appropriate pace of content

Group D

pictures that support content

too much index or too much Chinese translation

CD, VCD with good qualities

4. Discussion on the list adapted from:


Each group had to narrow down the list to 30 items. The hint is to WEIGH your considerations. For example, if you think # 58 and #36 to be very important to your teaching, you can give them 4 point. For others that you don’t take too much consideration, give them less weight i.e. 1 or 2 points.

5. Then count the score for the textbooks that you exam, you’ll find one that suits you for the year. Don’ t forget to keep your teaching flexible when you found something’s wrong with the textbooks.

What to do for our next meeting on 5/16

a: Favorite poems workshop conducted by Sue

b: Fill in the survey design by the advisory panel

c: arrangement for the schedule for one-on-one consultations for portfolios

d: discussion the date for the dumpling party

e: arrangement of the interview schedule(both LETs and Fulbright teachers needed, but the interview will be held separately ) staring 5/23. Please choose a time for you to come to the teacher center. Anita and Joanne will do the interviews together.







Optional times






6/13(?)spared for portfolios

meeing note, April 18, 2005


Meeting notes


Date & time: 2005/04/18 in the afternoon


Place: 1F, meeting room in the Special Education Building

Topic for today’s meeting: Meaningful EFL Games in classroom


Topic for today’s meeting: Meaningful EFL Games in classroom

1. Leanne presented a board game that looked like the Monopoly Game with which she put on some different questions like, What, When, Where, Why, How etc. The teacher rolled a dice and moved the magnet to the place according to the number the dice showed. Students can either create their own questions and ask teacher or just read the questions on the board. Leanne explained that her class is basically an advanced class but still there are some Ss that don’t go to BuSiBan i.e. cram school. Leanne also had a plain board that you can put your own word on.

2. Sue led with a GAME: Sue started with a word, the next one should find a word that start with the last letter of the previous word mentioned. For example, Sue picked the word’ dog’ then the next word should begin with ‘g’.

(If you need a definition for ‘game’, check the website: www.wordreference.com)

3. Showing Power Point slides. ‘Not just more GAMES’ Sue asked a few questions like ‘What is a game? What’s the difference between a game and an activity? What is a language game? ’

Sue later talked about the steps for today’s workshop: Reflection, Articulation(=to put into words) and Operationalization which are all good GRE words.( Take a closer look at them if you plan to have GRE exam. And it’s )

4. First: Reflection

Everyone wrote their favorite games, below is the list we gathered:


Scary words

Tossing Dolphin(turn-taking game)


Missing game

Ask Mr. Wolf (what time is it?)

Touching flash cards

Squat down, White Carrots (羅蔔蹲)

Simon Says

Black Jack (gambling related)

Mission Impossible (支援前線)


Wind Blows musical chair? Duck, Duck Goose?

7 –up




I spy something

Guess the price/bid up game/bargaining

5. Articulation(=to put into words)

Good language games are:

(contributed from all the teachers:)

Communicative/ interactive, practical/useful, strategic, involve every students, fun/exciting, easy to understand, fit to students’ level, appropriate, objective-focused, engaging , easy to play with, fair, connecting speaking and writing forms, harmonious and peaceful, challenging, interesting, flexible, leave students with good feelings.

6. Operationalization

Match language skills with actions or activities to describe and select good language games for your students.

Sue had the formula goes like this:

Language skill (what they will practice or use) + Actions (what they will do) = Excellent language game.

Group discussion:

Bingo game: listening, speaking, comprehension, recognition for vocabs)

Cowboy game: recall/ concentration, speaking, fluency, accuracy…(though Sue and Gerry had bit different opinions)

Phonic game: I spy: meaning of words, listening/writing phonics, spelling

Hangman: spelling pattern, vocab games, phonics, multi-word hangman

White Carrots Squat(白蘿蔔蹲) intelligibility, recall under pressure

Teacher speaks without making out sounds: ’ physical articulation’

Mission impossible: listening, understanding, WH question formation.

Verb tense game: grammar, spelling, listening, authentic questions

meetinng note , April 4, 2005

. Chinese Astrology

1. The origin of the animal years : 12 animals

Below is the website that describes the personalities of each animals as well as famous people that belong to that category:


Ø The Chinese Lunar Calendar Book(黃曆)


Ø Questions and commands

2. The Myers-Briggs test

When you take the test, you will just answer 73 yes/no
questions online on one page, click "score it" and you will receive a
score stated as four letters such as INTJ or ENFP.

Ø http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp

–Detailed descriptions of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality letter
types (combinations of E/I, N/S, T/F J/P) can be found at :

–Detailed descriptions of the four main (each with four sub-types)
personalities in the Keirsey personality sorter scale can be found at
: http://keirsey.com/matrix.html

–A site for many different types of personality tests:



meeting notes


date & time: 2005/04/04 1:30 in the afternoon


location: 1F, meeting room in the Special Education Building

. Chinese Astrology

1. The origin of the animal years : 12 animals

Below is the website that describes the personalities of each animals as well as famous people that belong to that category:


Ø The Chinese Lunar Calendar Book(黃曆)


Ø Questions and commands

2. The Myers-Briggs test

When you take the test, you will just answer 73 yes/no
questions online on one page, click "score it" and you will receive a
score stated as four letters such as INTJ or ENFP.

Ø http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp

–Detailed descriptions of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality letter
types (combinations of E/I, N/S, T/F J/P) can be found at :

–Detailed descriptions of the four main (each with four sub-types)
personalities in the Keirsey personality sorter scale can be found at
: http://keirsey.com/matrix.html

–A site for many different types of personality tests:

Ⅱ. Announcement

A: If you missed any workshop that Sue had given during the past semester and would like to have the handouts of all the workshops, we have put them onto the BLOG of the YiLan ET blog:

You can check the column on the left hand side and click on the ‘workshop’,there you will see all the handouts of all the workshops!

B: The topic for our next meeting : Meaningful EFL Games in classroom

Fulbrighters and LETs 0404 regular bi-monthly meeting

meeting notes
date & time: 2005/04/04  1:30  in the afternoon
location:  1F, meeting room in the Special Education Building
[@more@]Ⅰ. Chinese Astrology
1. The origin of the animal years : 12 animals
Below is the website that describes the personalities of each animals
as well as famous people that belong to that category:

 The Chinese Lunar Calendar Book(黃曆)

 Questions and commands
2. The Myers-Briggs test
     When you take the test, you will just answer 73 yes/no
questions online on one page, click "score it" and you will receive a
score stated as four letters such as INTJ or ENFP.

–Detailed descriptions of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality letter
types (combinations of E/I, N/S, T/F J/P) can be found at :

–Detailed descriptions of the four main (each with four sub-types)
personalities in the Keirsey personality sorter scale can be found at
: http://keirsey.com/matrix.html

–A site for many different types of personality tests:

    Ⅱ. Announcement
     A:   If you missed any workshop that Sue had given during the past
semester and would like to have the handouts of all the workshops, we
have put them onto the BLOG of the YiLan ET blog:
You can check the column on the left hand side and click on the
‘workshop’,there you will see all the handouts of all the workshops!

B:  The topic for our next meeting : Meaningful EFL Games in classroom

meeting note / 2005 ,Mar. 7

Easter, Easter, Easter!


. Dr. Sroda’s workshop on “EASTER’ 

1.      The “Peter Cottontail” song, written by Beatrix Potter, the author of “Tales of Peter Rabbit”.

Ø          First underline every word that you think need to be explained to your students.

Ø          Think about how you would like to explain them. Use the words they already knew? Drawing on the blackboard? Or show them?

Ø          Sue and volunteers show us the Easter bunny dance!

2.      The origin of EASTER.

  Modern Easter

  Religious Easter

   When is Easter: near spring equinox ?

Recommendation of a useful book: ELT teacher’s Holiday Activities Kit

This book applies simple sentences to tell the story of holidays.

3. Food for Easter: egg, Easter ham, chocolate

4. Easter is a holiday that has more light colors than dark colors.

5. Website for you to teach : (see handouts)

6. Group creating activities: design activities with either tactile or

kinesthetic type(see appendix for detail description)

Ø          Creators: Jennifer, Stacia and Katrina

Coloring and cutting

Voc. and grammar used: shapes and colors


Ø          Creators: Angelyn, Rosie, Shirley and Joanne

Coloring and hiding Easter eggs

Voc. and grammar used: A-Z, a-z, colors: pink, yellow, green, blue. Verbs: walk, hop, run, jump


Ø          Creators: Angela, Alenda, Kelly, Hopkins

Helping Easter bunny by sorting out jellybeans

Voc. and grammar:

 There are (number)(color) jellybeans in the basket.

Ø          Creators: Johanna, Jenny, Jason and Vickie

Playing the game” Fruit Basket” or ”Musical Chair” by saying :

“Easter bunny, what do you see? I see a (color)(object) looking at me.”

Voc. and grammar: Easter objects, light colors