Dumpling Farewell Party

Here are some information I would like you to know:

1. According to voting result, the Dumpling Party will be held on the 10th of June, Friday evening. We will start making dumplings at 6 o’clock. Hopefully we can eat dumplings at 7 o’clock. While you’re eating, the advisory panel (plus Courtney) will present a short skit about Chu Yuan 屈原. The Dragon Boat Festival is to memorialize his greatness that we also make this day as the Poets’ Day.

2. Since that the Fulbright teachers have to hand in their reports to FSE before 6/15, we were thinking to move the deadline for the portfolio to 6/20. That way you can have more time to revise your portfolio if you want. If so, we’d like to change our last Monday meeting to the day of 6/20 instead of 6/13. Those who booked the interviews on the day of 6/20 will be automatically changed to 6/13. i.e. interviews on the day 6/13, portfolios due on 6/20. If you have any problem of this rearrangement, please do let us know ASAP!


short introduction about Chu Yuan 屈原

About 2000 years agoChu Yuana scholarly government officialwas a good and respected man.Howeverbecause of the misdeed of jealous rivalshe eventually fell into disfavor in the emperor’s court.Unable to regain the respect of the emperor.He walked along the Mi Low river with sorrow and then threw himself into the river on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calender.

Because of their admiration for Chu Yuanthe local people living in the village rushed into their boat trying to rescue Chu Yuan from the Mi Low River.They threw rice into the water for the fish so they would not devour Chu Yuan.Although they

were unable to find Chu Yuantheir effort are still memorized today during the dragon Boat Festival.

「端午節」是農曆五月五日,這一天是古代楚國的愛國詩人屈原,因憂國傷時而投汨羅江自殺的日子,為了紀念他,端午節又稱「詩人節」。傳說屈原投江以後, 民眾以粽子投江餵水族, 以免詩人被水族所噬。另外又組許多船隊到汨羅江中尋找屈原的屍體,這是今天端午節吃粽子、划龍船的來源。掛艾草或蒲草,小孩子身上掛著「艾虎」的香囊,男人喝雄黃酒,傳說有避邪、求吉祥的作用。