Ⅰ. Chinese Astrology
1. The origin of the animal years : 12 animals
Below is the website that describes the personalities of each animals as well as famous people that belong to that category:
Ø The Chinese Lunar Calendar Book(黃曆)
Ø Questions and commands
2. The Myers-Briggs test
When you take the test, you will just answer 73 yes/no
questions online on one page, click "score it" and you will receive a
score stated as four letters such as INTJ or ENFP.
Ø http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp
–Detailed descriptions of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality letter
types (combinations of E/I, N/S, T/F J/P) can be found at :
–Detailed descriptions of the four main (each with four sub-types)
personalities in the Keirsey personality sorter scale can be found at
: http://keirsey.com/matrix.html
–A site for many different types of personality tests:
meeting notes
date & time: 2005/04/04 1:30 in the afternoon
location: 1F, meeting room in the Special Education Building
Ⅰ. Chinese Astrology
1. The origin of the animal years : 12 animals
Below is the website that describes the personalities of each animals as well as famous people that belong to that category:
Ø The Chinese Lunar Calendar Book(黃曆)
Ø Questions and commands
2. The Myers-Briggs test
When you take the test, you will just answer 73 yes/no
questions online on one page, click "score it" and you will receive a
score stated as four letters such as INTJ or ENFP.
Ø http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp
–Detailed descriptions of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality letter
types (combinations of E/I, N/S, T/F J/P) can be found at :
–Detailed descriptions of the four main (each with four sub-types)
personalities in the Keirsey personality sorter scale can be found at
: http://keirsey.com/matrix.html
–A site for many different types of personality tests:
Ⅱ. Announcement
A: If you missed any workshop that Sue had given during the past semester and would like to have the handouts of all the workshops, we have put them onto the BLOG of the YiLan ET blog:
You can check the column on the left hand side and click on the ‘workshop’,there you will see all the handouts of all the workshops!
B: The topic for our next meeting : Meaningful EFL Games in classroom