Many parents are complaining about the increasingly tough homework their kids bring home each day, as they always end up doing the work after a long work day…………. [@more@]Primary students, and parents, overwhelmed by homework[The China Post 2004.11.22]
Many parents are complaining about the increasingly tough homework their kids bring home each day, as they always end up doing the work after a long work day, the United Evening News reported yesterday.
They said the homework has become increasingly creative and is beyond what primary school students can handle, according to the report.
Some students, for example, are asked to list 100 kinds of plants they find in their neighborhood, to make kites or even mini power generators, according to the paper.
But most of the time, it`s always the parents who end up completing the projects.
Many of them complain that they now have to sacrifice their two-day weekend to help their kids with homework.
Cheng Chen-lung, a lawmaker, said he once received phone calls from parents complaining that a teacher at a primary school in Taipei County had asked students to name 100 kinds of plants they can find in their neighborhood.
The parents had to spend the entire weekend to search around for the plants, but could only find 80 kinds.
Wang, who has a kid studying at an elementary school, said she and her husband once had to help their child prepare materials to make a car in the middle of the night.
Chen is another victim. Chen bought a kind of insect for his child, who was asked by his teacher to observe the life of an insect.
But the insect gave birth to four generations of offspring, and he had to take care of them even after the homework was already over.
Liu Cheng-wu, director of the Taipei City primary schools` parents association, encouraged teachers to avoid giving students assignments that are beyond their ability to complete themselves.
Liu also asked parents not to do homework for their kids, especially on projects that are unreasonably difficult.
Liu said parents, instead of doing the homework, should seek to communicate with teachers to solve the problem.
後來,為期兩個月的研究就在漸入佳境的情形下完成。小朋友開始了解閱讀的重要性,有人因為突然會拼音,或能跟著錄音帶唸故事而雀躍不已。有人則知道故事書不是只有 Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? 而已,還可以從自己喜愛的作者名字,去找出更多童書來讀。更有幾位程度很好的孩子,在閱讀寫作課後,能試著自己把句子延長,組合成一篇短文。他們說:「老師,我以前都覺得在學校的英語課就是玩就好了,因為課本的東西很簡單,只有補習班才能教我一些新的英文。您的課讓我閱很多書,也會寫文章了。」聽完這句話,筆者覺得心酸酸的,因為學校的正規課程,竟不如一個補習班。還有人說:「老師,Jan Brett是作者,可是她還自己畫插畫,真的很厲害,我也要學她,當個作家。」筆者馬上回答:「好,以後出書時,我會去買,還要請您這位大作家簽名。」說完,其他小孩又是一陣大笑。不管如何,筆者的閱讀寫作研究是發揮作用了,至少,他們是對英語課的感覺不再像過去一樣。