2005-6 Yilan Fulbright teacher – Josh’s Introduction

Introduction to the Josh Overcast

This is Josh Overcast, Taiwan and elementary school English teaching neophyte. I’m looking forward to a fabulously entertaining 10 months of teaching 3rd graders, studying Chinese, riding a scooter, traveling about the Ilha de Formosa and, of course, composing weekly reflections. My hobbies and interests are various and sundry, but I don’t want to spoil the surprise by describing them now, so stay tuned for the next 40 weeks. My birthday is February 11, and I would like a pony.

Go, Justice Elementary!!


2005-6 Yilan Fulbright teacher – Sarah’s Introduction

Introduction – Sarah Via San Francisco!

Greetings Fulbright community!

Our troop of Taiwan Teachers have been on this humid island for 24 days now. The actual business of teaching English begins in just a few days. I am thrilled to meet my Local English Teacher and eager to encounter the many challenges ahead.

I look forward to documenting the noteworthy and mundane moments of the year ahead. Many best to all my future Fulbrighters and the hundreds of students that will be passing through our English classes!


2005-6 Yilan Fulbright teacher – Fiona’s Introduction

Hi! I’m from New York City originally, but my family has been living in New Jersey for 18 years. I am a dual citizen of the U.S. and U.K. I graduated from Smith College in May 2005 with a B.A. in East Asian Studies, and I hope to attend medical school in the future. I am very excited to be teaching English in the Nan-ao elementary schools with Shirley this year!








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Elementary English Learning competence Indicators

Elementary English Learning competence Indicators

The First Learning Stage competence indicators in “Elementary and Junior High School Nine-Year Education Program Curriculum Guidelines, Language Arts Learning Area, English”[@more@]

1. Language abilities

(1) Listening

Elementary school level

1-1-1 Being able to identify basic English speech sounds

1-1-2 Being able to identify basic vocabulary, phrases, and sentence stress patterns.

1-1-3 Being able to identify the intonation of questions and statements.

1-1-4 Being able to understand common classroom and daily life expressions.

1-1-5 Being able to understand simple sentences and dialogs.

1-1-6 Being able to understand the main contents of simple songs and rhymes.

1-1-7 Being able to understand the main contents of simple children’s stories and plays by visual aids like pictures, puppets, and physical actions.


Elementary school level

2-1-1 Being able to read the alphabet with the correct pronunciation.

2-1-2 Being able to read common basic words correctly.

2-1-3 Being able to say simple sentences with the correct stress and intonation.

2-1-4 Being able to participate in oral practice in class.

2-1-5 Being able to introduce oneself in simple English.

2-1-6 Being able to use simple classroom expressions.

2-1-7 Being able to use basic social mannerism terms.

2-1-8 Being able to make simple questions, answers, and statements.

2-1-9 Being able to chant simple songs and rhymes.

2-1-10 Being able to make simple English speech triggered by pictures.

2-1-11 Being able to perform simple role plays prompted by pictures and suggestions.

2-1-12 Being able to participate in simple children’s plays.


Elementary school level

3-1-1 Being able to identify letters of the alphabet.

3-1-2 Being able to read words by using phonics.

3-1-3 Being able to identify some sight words.

3-1-4 Being able to understand simple English signs.

3-1-5 Being able to identify common words in stories, rhymes, and songs.

3-1-6 Being able to read and understand simple sentences.

3-1-7 Being able to follow the teacher or audio tape in chanting simple songs and rhymes.

3-1-8 Being able to follow the teacher or audio tape in reading dialogs or stories aloud from the textbook correctly.

3-1-9 Being able to read and understand approximate contents of simple children’s stories and plays by visual aids like pictures and diagrams.


Elementary school level

4-1-1 Being able to write printed capital and small letters.

4-1-2 Being able to write one’s own name.

4-1-3 Being able to copy the words previously learned.

4-1-4 Being able to copy or imitate simple sentences.

4-1-5 Being able to spell and write some common basic words.

(5)General Application Abilities

Elementary school level

5-1-1 Being able to identify, read, and write 26 letters.

5-1-2 Being able to understand and identify some common English words used in daily life communication.

5-1-3 Being able to master at least 200 colloquial vocabulary items productively, and being able to spell and write at least 80 of them that could be used in simple daily life communication.

5-1-4 Being able to understand English spelling and pronunciation correspondences by applying phonics, and being able to try to sound words out.

5-1-5 Being able to understand some common sentences in daily life (like greetings, acknowledgements, apologies, farewells, etc.), and being able to respond to them properly.

2. The Interests and Methods in Learning English

Elementary school level

6-1-1 Being able to pay attention to the teacher’s instruction and demonstration.

6-1-2 Willing to participate in all oral practice activities.

6-1-3 Willing to answer questions from the teacher or classmates.

6-1-4 Being able to ask questions of the teacher or classmates actively.

6-1-5 Being full of curiosity, and being able to add examples or counterexamples to teacher or classmates’ discussion.

6-1-6 Accomplishing homework actively.

6-1-7 Showing an interest in extracurricular English teaching materials.

6-1-8 Being able to notice learned English words in life or media.

6-1-9 Willing to enquire about the meaning of English words and trying to imitate them when meeting them in life.

6-1-10 Willing to try to use English whenever there’s a chance in life.

3. Culture and Customs

Elementary school level

7-1-1 Being familiar with the main festivals and customs abroad.

7-1-2 Being able to understand the English expressions of our main festivals and customs.

7-1-3 Being able to understand what is considered to be good manners internationally.

Grade 1-9 Curriculum guidelines for English Learning Areas ~ Yilan County, Taiwan ~

— English Curriculum Learning Stage

— Ten basic abilities

— Three goals


— English Curriculum Learning Stage:

— First Stage: 1st to 6th Grade (Elementary School)

— Second Stage: 7th to 9th Grade (Junior High School)

— Ten basic abilities

— Expression, communication and sharing

— Self understanding and potentiality developing

— Respect, care and team cooperation

— Life time planning and lifelong learning

— Using technology and information

— Appreciation, presentation, and creation

— Cultural learning and international understanding

— Planning, organizing and implementing

— Exploring and researching actively

— Independent thinking and problem solving

— Three goals

— To obtain basic communicative skills

— To have interests and correct study habits

— To know more about eastern and western cultures