
Dear ETs,








只要將其姓名和email account轉寄給我就好



– Betty Chang




Dumpling Farewell Party

Here are some information I would like you to know:

1. According to voting result, the Dumpling Party will be held on the 10th of June, Friday evening. We will start making dumplings at 6 o’clock. Hopefully we can eat dumplings at 7 o’clock. While you’re eating, the advisory panel (plus Courtney) will present a short skit about Chu Yuan 屈原. The Dragon Boat Festival is to memorialize his greatness that we also make this day as the Poets’ Day.

2. Since that the Fulbright teachers have to hand in their reports to FSE before 6/15, we were thinking to move the deadline for the portfolio to 6/20. That way you can have more time to revise your portfolio if you want. If so, we’d like to change our last Monday meeting to the day of 6/20 instead of 6/13. Those who booked the interviews on the day of 6/20 will be automatically changed to 6/13. i.e. interviews on the day 6/13, portfolios due on 6/20. If you have any problem of this rearrangement, please do let us know ASAP!


short introduction about Chu Yuan 屈原

About 2000 years agoChu Yuana scholarly government officialwas a good and respected man.Howeverbecause of the misdeed of jealous rivalshe eventually fell into disfavor in the emperor’s court.Unable to regain the respect of the emperor.He walked along the Mi Low river with sorrow and then threw himself into the river on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calender.

Because of their admiration for Chu Yuanthe local people living in the village rushed into their boat trying to rescue Chu Yuan from the Mi Low River.They threw rice into the water for the fish so they would not devour Chu Yuan.Although they

were unable to find Chu Yuantheir effort are still memorized today during the dragon Boat Festival.

「端午節」是農曆五月五日,這一天是古代楚國的愛國詩人屈原,因憂國傷時而投汨羅江自殺的日子,為了紀念他,端午節又稱「詩人節」。傳說屈原投江以後, 民眾以粽子投江餵水族, 以免詩人被水族所噬。另外又組許多船隊到汨羅江中尋找屈原的屍體,這是今天端午節吃粽子、划龍船的來源。掛艾草或蒲草,小孩子身上掛著「艾虎」的香囊,男人喝雄黃酒,傳說有避邪、求吉祥的作用。

meeing note, May 16, 2005


Meeting notes


Date & time: 2005/05/16 in the afternoon


Place: 1F, meeting room in the Special Education Building

Topic for today’s meeting: Favorite Poetry

Leading by Dr. Sue Sroda (handouts see the attachment files)



Meeting notes


Date & time: 2005/05/16 in the afternoon


Place: 1F, meeting room in the Special Education Building


The schedule for both the LETs and Fulbright teachers:





































The schedules for Dr. Sue’s one-on-one portfolio consultation on May 30th, Mon.























Dates available for having the Dumpling Farewell Party.

Please choose a time that you think is perfect for the party, we really like EVERYONE to come. It will probably the last time for you to see Joanne, Vickie and all the people in this program for the rest of your life!

(Mark a time that you like)



June 10th, Fri. evening

Sharon, Leanne, Kelly, Alenda, Jason &Elvira, Angela, Angelyn, Joanne

June 11th, Sat

Hopkins, Jennifer, Angelyn, Joanne

June 18th, Sat

Katrina, Alenda

Other suggestions?

Topic for today’s meeting: Favorite Poetry

Leading by Dr. Sue Sroda (handouts see the attachment files)

1. Sharing of everyone’s favorite poem

Joanne Tseng: “Through the YangZi “ from Li Bai(李白)

Buni: “I wandered lonely as a cloud” by William Wordsworth

Jenny: Rhymes from Mother Goose

Jo: “Dove Beach” by ??

James: “ A Poison Tree” by William Blake

Leanne: “Latin is a dead tongue,

Dead as dead can be.

First it killed the Romans,

Now it’s killing me” by Anonymous

Katrina: Shel Silversteins poem : I dont like to go to schools

Alenda: several poems by Robert Frost stopping by woods on a snowy evening

and others

Kelly: Daddys car and turkey(?? Forgive me if I am wrong, please tell me the


Ariel: Not in Vain by Emily Dickinson

meeing note, May 2, 2005


Meeting notes


Date & time: 2005/05/02 1:30 in the afternoon


Place: 1F, meeting room in the Special Education Building


1. Happy Squad will be presenting for the opening show at the English Easy Go.

2. All the Fulbright teachers will attend the Coffee Corner Stand providing conversation with students.

3. Courtney will like to invite all the Fulbright teachers to go the main campus of FoGuang University at Jiao Si.

Topic for today’s meeting: Textbook Evaluation



Meeting notes


Date & time: 2005/05/02 1:30 in the afternoon


Place: 1F, meeting room in the Special Education Building


1. Happy Squad will be presenting for the opening show at the English Easy Go.

2. All the Fulbright teachers will attend the Coffee Corner Stand providing conversation with students.

3. Courtney will like to invite all the Fulbright teachers to go the main campus of FoGuang University at Jiao Si.

Topic for today’s meeting: Textbook Evaluation

1. Details see Handouts from Sue .

2. Teachers have the right to delete or add some content that are inappropriate, sometimes not the entire unit but part of the unit.

3. Group discussions on your ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’ of an English textbook:

Group A:

clear layout and design

distracting features

useful vocab and easy sentence pattern

too many grammar structures

clear pronounced CDs

consistency in phonics

authentic materials

easy to learn songs and catchy tunes

Group B

vocab, grammar, phonics & conversation together integrated content & skills

bad chants and songs and grammar

emphasizes conversation used

cultural connection is not authentic

connection between text and workbook

no practical vocab for phonics

activities practice in workbook

Group C

consistent organization

songs with unfamiliar

relevant English(e.g. Classroom English) also interesting English(animals: iguana)

age level appropriate

teacher’s book & material(e.g. flash cards)

appropriate pace of content

Group D

pictures that support content

too much index or too much Chinese translation

CD, VCD with good qualities

4. Discussion on the list adapted from:


Each group had to narrow down the list to 30 items. The hint is to WEIGH your considerations. For example, if you think # 58 and #36 to be very important to your teaching, you can give them 4 point. For others that you don’t take too much consideration, give them less weight i.e. 1 or 2 points.

5. Then count the score for the textbooks that you exam, you’ll find one that suits you for the year. Don’ t forget to keep your teaching flexible when you found something’s wrong with the textbooks.

What to do for our next meeting on 5/16

a: Favorite poems workshop conducted by Sue

b: Fill in the survey design by the advisory panel

c: arrangement for the schedule for one-on-one consultations for portfolios

d: discussion the date for the dumpling party

e: arrangement of the interview schedule(both LETs and Fulbright teachers needed, but the interview will be held separately ) staring 5/23. Please choose a time for you to come to the teacher center. Anita and Joanne will do the interviews together.







Optional times






6/13(?)spared for portfolios

meeing note, April 18, 2005


Meeting notes


Date & time: 2005/04/18 in the afternoon


Place: 1F, meeting room in the Special Education Building

Topic for today’s meeting: Meaningful EFL Games in classroom


Topic for today’s meeting: Meaningful EFL Games in classroom

1. Leanne presented a board game that looked like the Monopoly Game with which she put on some different questions like, What, When, Where, Why, How etc. The teacher rolled a dice and moved the magnet to the place according to the number the dice showed. Students can either create their own questions and ask teacher or just read the questions on the board. Leanne explained that her class is basically an advanced class but still there are some Ss that don’t go to BuSiBan i.e. cram school. Leanne also had a plain board that you can put your own word on.

2. Sue led with a GAME: Sue started with a word, the next one should find a word that start with the last letter of the previous word mentioned. For example, Sue picked the word’ dog’ then the next word should begin with ‘g’.

(If you need a definition for ‘game’, check the website: www.wordreference.com)

3. Showing Power Point slides. ‘Not just more GAMES’ Sue asked a few questions like ‘What is a game? What’s the difference between a game and an activity? What is a language game? ’

Sue later talked about the steps for today’s workshop: Reflection, Articulation(=to put into words) and Operationalization which are all good GRE words.( Take a closer look at them if you plan to have GRE exam. And it’s )

4. First: Reflection

Everyone wrote their favorite games, below is the list we gathered:


Scary words

Tossing Dolphin(turn-taking game)


Missing game

Ask Mr. Wolf (what time is it?)

Touching flash cards

Squat down, White Carrots (羅蔔蹲)

Simon Says

Black Jack (gambling related)

Mission Impossible (支援前線)


Wind Blows musical chair? Duck, Duck Goose?

7 –up




I spy something

Guess the price/bid up game/bargaining

5. Articulation(=to put into words)

Good language games are:

(contributed from all the teachers:)

Communicative/ interactive, practical/useful, strategic, involve every students, fun/exciting, easy to understand, fit to students’ level, appropriate, objective-focused, engaging , easy to play with, fair, connecting speaking and writing forms, harmonious and peaceful, challenging, interesting, flexible, leave students with good feelings.

6. Operationalization

Match language skills with actions or activities to describe and select good language games for your students.

Sue had the formula goes like this:

Language skill (what they will practice or use) + Actions (what they will do) = Excellent language game.

Group discussion:

Bingo game: listening, speaking, comprehension, recognition for vocabs)

Cowboy game: recall/ concentration, speaking, fluency, accuracy…(though Sue and Gerry had bit different opinions)

Phonic game: I spy: meaning of words, listening/writing phonics, spelling

Hangman: spelling pattern, vocab games, phonics, multi-word hangman

White Carrots Squat(白蘿蔔蹲) intelligibility, recall under pressure

Teacher speaks without making out sounds: ’ physical articulation’

Mission impossible: listening, understanding, WH question formation.

Verb tense game: grammar, spelling, listening, authentic questions

meetinng note , April 4, 2005

. Chinese Astrology

1. The origin of the animal years : 12 animals

Below is the website that describes the personalities of each animals as well as famous people that belong to that category:


Ø The Chinese Lunar Calendar Book(黃曆)


Ø Questions and commands

2. The Myers-Briggs test

When you take the test, you will just answer 73 yes/no
questions online on one page, click "score it" and you will receive a
score stated as four letters such as INTJ or ENFP.

Ø http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp

–Detailed descriptions of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality letter
types (combinations of E/I, N/S, T/F J/P) can be found at :

–Detailed descriptions of the four main (each with four sub-types)
personalities in the Keirsey personality sorter scale can be found at
: http://keirsey.com/matrix.html

–A site for many different types of personality tests:



meeting notes


date & time: 2005/04/04 1:30 in the afternoon


location: 1F, meeting room in the Special Education Building

. Chinese Astrology

1. The origin of the animal years : 12 animals

Below is the website that describes the personalities of each animals as well as famous people that belong to that category:


Ø The Chinese Lunar Calendar Book(黃曆)


Ø Questions and commands

2. The Myers-Briggs test

When you take the test, you will just answer 73 yes/no
questions online on one page, click "score it" and you will receive a
score stated as four letters such as INTJ or ENFP.

Ø http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp

–Detailed descriptions of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality letter
types (combinations of E/I, N/S, T/F J/P) can be found at :

–Detailed descriptions of the four main (each with four sub-types)
personalities in the Keirsey personality sorter scale can be found at
: http://keirsey.com/matrix.html

–A site for many different types of personality tests:

Ⅱ. Announcement

A: If you missed any workshop that Sue had given during the past semester and would like to have the handouts of all the workshops, we have put them onto the BLOG of the YiLan ET blog:

You can check the column on the left hand side and click on the ‘workshop’,there you will see all the handouts of all the workshops!

B: The topic for our next meeting : Meaningful EFL Games in classroom


關心英語教育的人一定要來聽喔!4/29 下午13:30在研習中心二樓研習室!快上網報名!



講者: 吳信鳳

國立政治大學英文系 教授

美國 哈佛大學 教育博士


一、研究主題及研究問題(Topic & Research Questions



1.     問卷調查基本資料

2.     英文學習經驗

3.     家庭社經地位及學習資源

4.     語文學習興趣、態度、動機等情意因素

5.     「菁英組」(每班英文成績最高學生)主要分析結果

6.     追蹤回溯組/「全美語組」(上過全美語幼稚園)主要分析結果

7.     大樣本、「菁英組」、「全美語組」比較分析

四、討論及結論(Discussion and Conclusion





中國時報    E7/人間副刊           2005/04/04







中國時報    E7/人間副刊           2005/04/04


  今年三月十六、十七日,龍應台在本刊發表新作「請問雅典在哪裡 ?──談台灣的『國際化』危機」,探索本土文化困境的現象和成因 ,並作了精闢的分析與建言,值得我們再三思考「台灣」所身處的位置,以及因應的方向。文章刊出後,來自各界的迴響相當熱烈,包括 學界、作家與一般讀者。限於版面,本刊酌選兩篇回應,今天先行刊 出,接續還要刊登一位從事行銷企劃的讀者,所寫的素樸、但發人深省的投書。──編者
  我很擔心台灣現在這個趨勢,過去大學生在閒談中,如果別人知道 而自己不知道會覺得慚愧,覺得自己知識太少了,水準太不夠了,現 在不同了,不知道也不引為恥,反而覺得沒有必要知道,知識一斤值多少?怎麼樣?
  一個朋友回國講學,說起有一天接到他母校系所辦公室的助教打來 的電話,告知某某教授要出國開會,師母擔心教授年紀大轉機不方便 想找學生幫忙照顧一下,她從校友通訊錄中查到他在加州,問他可否幫忙接機,他覺得義不容辭,就滿口答應下來,請助教小姐把行程傳 真過來以便安排。想不到一看行程,他傻眼了,他住舊金山,教授在 洛杉磯轉機,中間隔著五百英里,這怎麼接機?他再打電話去系裡,問助教知不知道舊金山與洛杉磯隔著很遠?助教反問道:不是都在加 州嗎?他一時氣結,答不上話來。他說他不敢要求那位小姐知道加州 很長,從南到北得開上兩天兩夜的車子,但是舊金山與洛杉磯都是中國人很多的大城,有許多自己的同胞住在那裡,並不是毫不相干的外 國城巿,不應該這麼離譜。我聽了想起天下雜誌去年年底做的「台灣 人的國際觀」的調查,許多人都只知道台灣本土,對外面的事情一概不知,也不關心,更不認為自己不知道有什麼羞恥,這種態度令我很 憂心,因為不了解會產生偏見,世界上許多悲劇的發生都是由於無知 和偏見,有了解才會產生同情,有同情才會有包容,無知會造成冷漠,冷漠會自絕於人。
  無獨有偶,有一位經商的朋友也告訴我,他的女秘書請產假,代班 的小姐替他訂去美國聖地牙哥的機票時,竟然訂到智利的聖地牙哥去 了,那位小姐顯然不知道這兩個聖地牙哥有什麼不同,也不知道一個在北美洲,一個在南美洲,更不會去推想公司的業務只在北美洲,不 應該是南美的聖地牙哥。他責怪我們教書的沒有把學生教好,「沒有 遠見,沒有世界觀也還罷了,」他氣憤的說「還不會推想,不會思考,只會強辯,說你沒有告訴我是哪一個聖地牙哥!」這兩件事都是小 事,但是點出台灣目前教育的危機,幾十年來考試掛帥的結果是培養 出一批只關心自己,不關心世界,目光如豆的年輕人,凡是不考的都不必念,更不必知道,反正在國內生活也用不到外面世界的知識,光 是島內自己的八卦都應接不暇了。
  大部分人不關心台灣島外的事,連金門、馬祖自己的領土都被忽略 :官員在說話時常把他們忘記,教育部在制定母語時就把馬祖的福州 話給忘了。外面不論發生什麼事,報紙永遠只有一版的版面在報導,幾張圖片一登,剩下的文字空間有限,所以現在年輕人除了切身有關 的時尚流行之外,其餘國外大事連正眼都不瞄一下。前幾天我們大樓 住進來了一位瑞士的訪問學生,與他交談之下,發現他對任何題目都幾乎可以侃侃而談,知識很豐富,我問他怎麼懂得這麼多,他說瑞士 一直是歐洲會議的中心,國際很多會議都在瑞士舉行,因此,他們從 小就從報紙上讀到這些會議的主題:非洲飢饉、南非種族隔離、南美熱帶雨林的砍伐及中國人權的問題,他們老師也時常帶他們去看這些 國際開會的情形,要他們聽正反兩方的意見,他們每學期都得寫一篇 與國際問題有關的申論文,他雖然才高中,但是他的世界知識遠超過我們的大學生,令我感慨。
  現在很多人振振有詞的說:本土優先,先台灣後天下,這固然沒有 錯,但本土優先只是個順序,不應該因此而加重本土考試內容的比重 ,不考外國史地,使我們學生連雅典這個世界文明發源地之一在那裡都不知道。
  我們是生活在世界之中,並不是我們就是全世界,當我們對外面的 情勢一概不知時,我們會誤判,會夜郎自大,會自我陶醉在國內情勢 一片大好聲中,而頹廢下去。關起門做皇帝的結果是有一天老本吃完需要開門上街買糧時發現糧食店已經被別人包下,不跟你做生意了。 我曾經看過一個寓言:有一個洞裡的原始人都是背對著洞口坐,當太 陽出來照在經過洞口的動物身上時,牠們所投射出來的影子變得比實物還大,原始人嚇壞了,更往洞裡擠,更不敢看洞外,更互相告誡洞 外的可怕。最後,有一個原始人大膽的面朝外偷看一下,發現洞外春 光明媚、鳥語花香,那些可怕的動物不過是被影子放大的貓狗兔子而已,如果他們選擇面朝外坐,他們就不會被自己嚇到,因為他們永遠 背對著世界就不知道世界發生了什麼事,他們的愚昧無知使他們把世 界排除在他們生活之外,不久世界也把他們排除在世界之外,他們就像透明人一樣,不存在了。
  我很擔心台灣現在這個趨勢,過去大學生在閒談中,如果別人知道 而自己不知道會覺得慚愧,覺得自己知識太少了,水準太不夠了,現 在不同了,不知道也不引為恥,反而覺得沒有必要知道,知識一斤值多少?怎麼樣?老子就是大字不識幾個,還不是照樣當上立法委員? 草根性才是當紅炸子雞,說話越粗俗,上的報紙越多,飽學之士不再 受尊重,年輕人崇拜的是敢罵敢脫的人。加上現在高中課本對古文部份的減少,孩子古文看不懂了,沒有辦法去接受古人的智慧,文化的 傳承斷了,我覺得這是非常可惜之事,讀歷史不只是以古鑑今,它主 要還是品格的薰陶,讓我們知道什麼樣的行為是留芳萬古,什麼樣的又是遺臭萬年,缺少了這些楷模,就演變成只要我喜歡,有什麼不可 以。
  不讀書使得現在的人無視,沒有眼光,不能從古人的經驗中擷取智 慧,無膽,不敢面對問題,像洞中的原始人一樣,永遠背對著世界, 最糟的是無知,不能解決問題,所有的問題都用「拖」,一個校長的資格可以拖九個月不解決,一個老兵的薪俸拖93天不核發,就如同一 位前輩對我說的,精神病很難治癒,好在拖到病人過世,病也就沒了 。我很擔心現在大家都不願意去正視台灣的競爭力,只用拖的去敷衍,一旦拖到台灣沒有了,一切的意識型態、族群對立也就沒有了,大 家同歸於盡。「孫子兵法」三千年前就說「知己知彼,百戰百勝」, 如今不知彼,也不知自己有多少斤兩,我們國家的前途究竟在那裡呢?

中國時報    E4/家庭男女           2005/04/06


  朋友國二的女兒很乖巧,放了學像小鳥一樣吱吱喳喳跟母親講個不 停,現在突然放學不立刻回家,留在學校做功課,回來後洗過澡就再 不出房門。朋友慌了,暗中查訪,女兒的確留校讀書沒有交男朋友,但整個行為都不對勁,連星期天都說要去圖書館念書,她非常地憂心 ,跑來找我。
  小孩內心世界 不容父母硬闖
  一個行為突然改變當然有原因,我細問行為改變前後家中發生的事 ,朋友說唯一就是女兒在日記中用粗話罵了弟弟,她告誡她女孩子不 可以講粗話。我問她怎麼知道女兒在日記中罵粗話,她理直氣壯說:「有一天我清她的房間,就拿起來看了一下。」她加強語氣說:「她 小時候寫的任何東西都給我看,以前學校發生什麼事也都告訴我,我 們母女是沒有任何祕密的。」
  我望著她,感嘆天下的父母都不會感覺到孩子已經長大,還以為是 襁褓中萬事依賴自己的寶寶,殊不知孩子一天天成長、一天天有自己 獨立的人格時,她開始有一塊自己內心的世界,這個世界如果被闖入,會有家被小偷侵入的感覺,說得嚴重些,就是心靈被侵犯。
  父母愉快回應 孩子就會樂於分享
  孩子吱吱喳喳說著學校的事情時,那是她願意分享的部分,她逐漸 會有一部分是保留給自己的,假如每次和父母說話都是愉快的回應, 那麼孩子就願意多跟父母分享她的經驗;但是如果得到的是批評,幾次以後孩子就學會不再自討沒趣,會像蛤蜊一樣,一回家就把嘴閉上 。
  親子溝通管道的關閉是最危險的事,這迫使孩子向外人求援,孩子 的同學都與他同一年齡、同一經驗,他們的主意多半是餿主意,一步 錯就千步錯了。
  父母若想要跟孩子保持溝通管道的暢通,一定要記得他是獨立的個 體,在他話沒有說完之前先不要打斷他,更不可不分青紅皂白就指責 起來。
  父母偷看日記 傷害孩子的心
  日記是宣泄的一個管道,很多時候在日記中罵等於是在心裡罵,不 應該會有人知道,一旦日記不再是安全的宣泄場所,這個孩子會更苦 悶。聰明的孩子很小就懂得把自己的祕密說給別人聽是件愚蠢的事,同學會背叛,好友會背叛,連自己最親密的伴侶都會背叛(許多人離 婚後就寫回憶錄,什麼私密都抖出來)。
  我們從經驗中學會父母是最安全的傾吐對象,然而一旦父母不可信 任,孩子會深深感到背叛的傷害。
  我的朋友不認為她是偷看,認為只是關心,但是很多孩子就是被這 種關心逼出了家門。真正關心孩子是尊重他、接受他、陪伴他,他心 中有話自然會告訴你,請不要偷看孩子的日記。

中國時報    E4/家庭男女           2005/03/23


  有一天我坐計程車去松山機場,司機是個非常年輕的孩子,很熟練 的在早上上班的車陣中穿梭,煞車踩得輕巧令你感受不到,我忍不住 誇獎他,他靦腆笑一下說:「不瞞您說,我以前是玩寶傑特的!」我:「哦?」一聲,二十年的國外生活使我不敢追問別人的隱私,他倒 是看出來了,自己說:「逃家的,現在正在找回家的路!」到了機場 ,我給他二百元,叫他不要找,他說:「謝了,衣錦才能還鄉。」
  這幾個字深深刺進我的心裡,在異鄉,多少個寒冷的雪夜,別人都 躲進溫暖的被窩中了,只有我們留學生還在圖書館苦讀,因為「衣錦 才能還鄉」!但是真的是這樣嗎?自己做了父母才發現雖然希望孩子成材,但是有孩子在膝下承歡,遠比一張冷冰冰的文憑好,尤其越老 越是希望有孩子在身邊,也明瞭當年那種想法是虛榮心作祟,親子的 溝通不良,使孩子誤以為沒有念出頭就無顏見江東父老,不敢回家。
  我以前也有這想法,家書都是報喜不報憂。所以許多留學生都是早 早的結了婚,找個伴來相濡以沫,因為每個人都需要個家。
  中國留學生都將房子(house)和家(home)混著用,這兩個字在 物質層面上雖然相同,在心理層面上卻大不同,房子是遮風避雨的地 方,家卻是靈魂的歸處,如果真的要了解一個人,就去他的家看一看,這比交往多少年還有用。
  人格的成長最重要的就是小時候的家庭教育。自己年紀大後,發現 天下最不幸的人是有家歸不得的人,而不是衣食不周的人。家原是隔 絕外界風暴最安全的地方,如果家不幸正是風暴的所在,那麼這個孩子就變成天下最可憐的人。
  我去美國念書時,正值越戰打得最凶的時候,學生反戰、反威權、 反傳統,開始有男女同住一層樓(co-ed)、開放式婚姻等等,有一 位老師很不贊成開放式婚姻,他一直認為一個人如果回到家不能放輕鬆,要應付你的、我的、我們的孩子各種糾纏不清的人際關係時,這 個家庭氣氛不會融洽,孩子會往外逃。
  他說,天理是公平的,孩子小的時候,多花時間念書給他聽,陪他 玩,教他做人的道理,長大後,就不必花太多時間管他,就像種樹一 樣,樹小的時候最重要,不能長歪,長大後只要颱風來時,加個支撐的就可以了。但是如果小的時候沒有照顧好,長歪了,長大要矯正得 用鐵絲綁,而且綁太緊樹枝會折斷,非得一點一點的扶正才可以。所 花的心力比小時候多十倍還不見得有效果。
  今天碰到這個逃家的孩子猛然想起老師的話,過了三十年,他是對 的,孩子小的時候自己忙著賺錢的朋友,現在都在用當時賺的錢討好 他的小孩。其實親子溝通並沒有那麼難,只要帶著他一起過日子,將來兩個人就會有共同的回憶,就有共同的話題。

中國時報    E4/家庭男女           2005/03/09


  最近報載一個小學生偷安親班的獎狀,把自己的名字填上去,以博 父母的喜愛,我看了非常心痛,為什麼只有功課好的孩子我們才愛? 功課不好的孩子難道就一無是處了嗎?在打罵孩子偷竊行為前,應該先靜下來想一想為什麼他要偷獎狀,我們是否有讓他覺得功課不好父 母就不愛他?
  孩子都非常渴望大人的稱讚,也都盡力想去達到大人的標準,但是 很多時候,他的能力達不到父母的理想,這時苛求會使孩子變成失落 的一群。
  多元智慧推到現在,大家講的時候都頭頭是道,知道每種能力都很 重要,做起來卻依舊是智育掛帥,功課不好的還是被人看不起。被人 放棄的孩子常常也就自我放棄,難怪今年大學入學測驗會有考生在國文卷子上寫著「我的人生在國中就已經失去了」。
  當苛責孩子沒有考上大學時,不知有多少人會回過頭來問一下自己 ,在教養他的過程中,我有盡到啟發他心智、鼓勵他上進的責任嗎? 在他跌倒時,我有拉他一把嗎?還是說:「別人都沒摔跤,為什麼你這麼笨,摔得這麼難看,把我的臉都丟光了?」
  我們的教育是個不容許孩子犯錯的教育,一有錯誤輕則挨罵,重則 挨打,使孩子每天戰戰兢兢,學校不是快樂學習的地方,而是充滿恐 懼的地方,當然能逃則逃,中輟生的比例就一直增加了。
  其實這種求善、求全的態度是不對的,因為我們是人,一定會犯錯 ,只要不是品德上的錯,不必太嚴厲懲罰,因功課不好而懲罰就更不 應該,他可能是發育得慢,尚未開竅,品德沒有不好只因功課不好而挨打是不公平的。中國人常說「人有失常,馬有失蹄」,偶爾大人也 會出錯,何況孩子。
  我曾經看過一個孩子在幫忙排碗筷時,不小心打破一個碗,因為有 客人在,母親沒有當場發作,只是惡狠狠瞪了孩子一眼,那個孩子竟 然發抖起來,顫聲說:「媽媽,對不起。」我看了好生不忍,這孩子才九歲,念四年級,就已經被她家裡要求不得犯錯,人生的路還這麼 長,她以後怎麼活得下去呢?一個碗能值幾元,孩子也不是故意的, 但是有多少父母會順手給孩子一巴掌,還認為他罪有應得。
  前一陣子,屏東有個山地孩子去喝喜酒把他祖母的機車弄丟了,結 果上吊自殺,一個正要開放的生命便因小事而夭折了,令人扼腕嘆息 !尤其機車被偷不是他的錯,是小偷的錯,政府未能給人民一個免於被偷的居家環境,卻讓這個孩子賠上一條性命。
  有一首詩說:莎士比亞是偉大的,歌德是偉大的,但是他們兩位都 不完美,否則他們便毫無特色。
  孩子有特色絕對比他完美重要,有特色,社會才有生氣,有多樣性 。如果我們不要求完美,我們就會在功課不好的孩子身上看到其他優 點,看到優點就會去稱讚他,他就不必去偷獎狀來博得掌聲,西諺說「用蜜糖捉住的蒼蠅比較多」,要改正孩子的短處,先放大他的長處 ,為什麼我們還是吝於稱讚我們的孩子呢?



meeting note / 2005 ,Mar. 7

Easter, Easter, Easter!


. Dr. Sroda’s workshop on “EASTER’ 

1.      The “Peter Cottontail” song, written by Beatrix Potter, the author of “Tales of Peter Rabbit”.

Ø          First underline every word that you think need to be explained to your students.

Ø          Think about how you would like to explain them. Use the words they already knew? Drawing on the blackboard? Or show them?

Ø          Sue and volunteers show us the Easter bunny dance!

2.      The origin of EASTER.

  Modern Easter

  Religious Easter

   When is Easter: near spring equinox ?

Recommendation of a useful book: ELT teacher’s Holiday Activities Kit

This book applies simple sentences to tell the story of holidays.

3. Food for Easter: egg, Easter ham, chocolate

4. Easter is a holiday that has more light colors than dark colors.

5. Website for you to teach : (see handouts)

6. Group creating activities: design activities with either tactile or

kinesthetic type(see appendix for detail description)

Ø          Creators: Jennifer, Stacia and Katrina

Coloring and cutting

Voc. and grammar used: shapes and colors


Ø          Creators: Angelyn, Rosie, Shirley and Joanne

Coloring and hiding Easter eggs

Voc. and grammar used: A-Z, a-z, colors: pink, yellow, green, blue. Verbs: walk, hop, run, jump


Ø          Creators: Angela, Alenda, Kelly, Hopkins

Helping Easter bunny by sorting out jellybeans

Voc. and grammar:

 There are (number)(color) jellybeans in the basket.

Ø          Creators: Johanna, Jenny, Jason and Vickie

Playing the game” Fruit Basket” or ”Musical Chair” by saying :

“Easter bunny, what do you see? I see a (color)(object) looking at me.”

Voc. and grammar: Easter objects, light colors


someting to share with you guys~

Dr. Wu sent us a good article from The Harvard Business Review, OCT. 2004

The title of this article is "Cultural Intelligence" in which they discussed the three sources of cultural sources and a chart to help you diagnosing your culture intelligence…

Joanne Tseng shared another article providing Team Teaching tips…


Team Teaching: Teaming Teachers Offer Tips

Team teaching is a strategy used at many grade levels in many schools — but how teams are structured and how well teaming actually works varies widely. In this article Education World writer Sharon Cromwell explores two essential questions — What constitutes an excellent teaching team? and How can teachers strengthen their teams? Included: Practical tips to share with teaming teachers!

What elements help make a teaching team strong? Team teachers cite several characteristics of an outstanding team that really works for the benefit of students. The one trait they all seem to agree upon: Team members must laugh when appropriate to maintain the proper perspective about what happening with students and themselves. Use humor, teachers say, to keep the team positive and on target.

"Don hold grudges against team members," Glen Lawson, who teaches science and reading at Davis Middle School in Flowery Branch, Georgia, told Education World. "You should laugh together, eat together, and make copies together at least twice a week."


Approximately 77 percent of middle schools in the United States now employ some form of team teaching, John Lounsbury, publications editor for the National Middle School Association, told Education World. Lounsbury, who is often referred to as one of the "godfathers" of the middle school movement, says, "We have come to realize that teaming has not been exploited fully by teachers to make the kinds of changes in instruction that are possible." When team teaching is fully implemented, however, research has shown it leads to an "improved work climate, more frequent contact with parents, increased teacher job satisfaction, and higher levels of student achievement."

Teams That Make
A Difference

Each year, the National Middle School Association and Prentice Hall team up to present the Teams That Make a Difference Award. This annual award recognizes teams of any kind — teachers, administrators, students, parents, community members, or any combination of these groups. To learn more about this award program or to download an application, see the program
Frequently Asked Questions page.

"We organized teams and declared victory," Lounsbury continued, "but we haven taken full advantage of teachers working together to create a more integrated curriculum."

Lounsbury outlines the major problems that sometimes dog team teaching:

  • Teams don have adequate common planning time.

  • The responsibility of the team leader is not taken seriously enough, even by the leader.

  • Teams of four or five are simply too large, because reaching consensus on changes is difficult with so many diverse personalities.

  • Teachers involved may not themselves be sufficiently committed to change.

Lounsbury quotes the nineteenth-century American writer Henry David Thoreau on the subject of change: "Beware of enterprises that require new clothes but not rather a new wearer of clothes." In introducing team teaching, Lounsbury says, changes have too often been superficial without truly transforming the middle school curriculum so that subjects are interrelated rather than remaining compartmentalized.

To read more, see How Teaming Influences Classroom Practices, published in the November 2000 issue of the Middle School Journal.


"For a team of teachers to be strong and productive, everyone must work together in a collegial manner," Melba Yvette Smithwick told Education World. She is a professional staff developer at the Paul R. Haas Middle School in the Corpus Christi, Texas, school district. "We always share teaching strategies, critique each other with respect and honesty, laugh a lot, and keep each other focused when we get sidetracked.

A strong team includes a variety of different teaching styles. " Students will respond differently to these different teachers. ?It is also essential that the teachers value and support each other in those roles."
— Glen Lawson

"We remind each other," Smithwick goes on, "that these people [whom we teach] are still children regardless of their height and that we are the adults who must guide them."

Echoing Smithwick, Lawson says that team members must treat each other with respect. One member, he insists, should not "hog the ball"; rather, all members should cooperate for the good of their students. He believes a team with teachers who are "male or female, older or younger, and having more or less experience" can "identify and reach kids with all kinds of needs."

Further, Lawson recommends "a variety of teaching styles" on a team. "A good team" Lawson says, "includes different styles, such as an authoritarian, a caregiver, and a cheerleader. ?Students will respond differently to these different teachers and all will get their needs met. It is also essential that the teachers value and support each other in those roles."

A strong, productive team is one that recognizes its strengths and weaknesses, Michele Lash of Regis Middle School in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, told Education World. Lash teaches eighth grade Spanish as well as religion. "On our team, each of us is better at some things and tries to take on those responsibilities while others do what suits them best. No one can do it all."

Team members must "be flexible," Lash emphasized. "Especially in middle school, things change. If youe too rigid, you will quickly become unhappy, which soon becomes apparent to the students and sometimes to the parents. Also, you must be an advocate for the students. Every child needs someone in his or her corner. Sometimes, their teachers are all they have."

Working together to create curriculum that makes sense should be a goal of all teams. Lounsbury, who has more than 50 years?involvement in the development of middle schools, believes a powerful team will "break down fragmentation among subjects" and interrelate the content of subjects taught by team members.


Many teachers know how an especially good team works and are always searching for ways to improve the performance of their teams. The teachers we talked with offered some tips on building strong teams.

"We can let the difficult teachers win," Lawson says. "We can just let them have their way because it is easier for us. We are teachers, after all. Everything we do teaches, including [teaching] the teachers we teach with."

More Teaming Tips

Members of teaching teams we talked with offered some more teaming tips:
* Make the development of the team a top priority. Don
just assume the team will work well together; work on making the group function at the top of its game.
* Set clear goals for the team, and then ensure its activities lead to those goals.
* Communicate clearly and honestly to survive and grow stronger from conflict.
* Honor individual and team success.
* Assume responsibility for assigned roles.
* Be prepared for team discussions and work.

Lounsbury thinks an "open, honest discussion of hy teaming??should be held. Too often it is viewed as an end, not a means, and when administratively in place, teachers can go on teaching as they did before. … Unless teachers?attitudes about teaming are positive, or at least open, trying to make teams effective is tough."

"Set an agenda for the week," is Lash advice. "Include discussions on students about whom there are concerns. Include some type of professional development reading or discussion.

"If things are really getting hectic, and people are starting to grumble," she continued, "plan a time for everyone to share something positive that recently happened that involves a student. Usually, that gets us smiling or even laughing, which always brightens the mood.

"Don allow team members to do other things during the meeting," she says. "You wouldn allow it from students, so don accept it from colleagues."


Henry Ford once said, "Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress and working together is success."

Melba Smithwick puts it a little differently: "Lay all the cards on the table, don speak with hidden messages, be direct, honest, kind, professional, friendly, and — for goodness sakes — keep a positive attitude and a good sense of humor."