A powerpoint about Hurricane Katrina, from Guang Sing elementary school

Hi~ All Yilan County English Teachers,
We are Fulbright Teacher-Priya and Local English Teacher- Ellen.
We made a simple powerpoint about Hurricane Katrina in USA…


It’s a very, very basic powerpoint presentation we put together about Hurricane Katrina and the Kids Helping Kids project.
We’re going to present it to our school at our school assembly.
Ellen translated the English into Mandarin so that everyone will be able to follow along.
It’s school-specific, and, once again, very basic, but if it can help anyone, please feel free to use it.
We got the pictures from a website dedicated to teaching kids about Hurricane Katrina.
Best regards
Priya and Ellen

FileSomthing about Hurricane Katrina and the Kids Helping Kids project.


Trick or treat. Smell my feet. Give me something good to eat!!

各位老師,西洋萬聖節又快到了耶學校準備好要辦活動了嗎?這裡有一些有關 Halloween的教學活動設計資料,有教學PPT、教學活動設計、學習單和一些延伸教材,有興趣的老師可以直接下載參考使用哦~






http://www.halloween-online.com/由Halloween Online製作。提供萬聖節相關資訊及連結,包括萬聖節注意事項、螢幕保護程式、線上雜誌、南瓜雕刻、萬聖節鬼故事等。

http://www.usard.com/Halloween.html :網站介紹萬聖節相關的資訊,包裝傑克南瓜燈、化裝舞會、萬聖節遊行與房屋裝飾等資訊。


http://www.gio.gov.tw/info/festival_c/index_e.htm :由台灣新聞局建構的。內容有關中西方的幾個重要節慶介紹,中英文版都有哦。

英語主題教學活動 My Lovely Family

主題教學 My Lovely Family

There are five people in my family. They are my handsome dad, my beautiful mom, my funny brother, and my cute sister…你還知道多少形容詞可以來描述你的家人嗎?大家一塊兒來動動腦吧~想想看怎樣介紹「我的家庭」…


Lesson PPT:

File(resource origin: 宜蘭縣輔導團)

File(resource origin: 香港教育城)


Lesson Plan: File


Worksheet: File (by Vickie)File(by Chloris)

File(by Trista) File (by Trista)


Supplementary resource:

字母書寫/發音教學 五官教學/練習

Hi2ez英語學習網兒童hi 樂園–ABC



Phonics-The Sounds of American English 發音示範網站


五官化妝 美國聯邦調查局兒童網頁


BODY PART的線上英語圖畫字典

The Internet Picture Dictionary



■ 從雙語學習談幼稚園教英語的問題 [國立台灣大學語言學研究所暨外文系 張顯達教授 ]


詳細內容請參閱 http://ejee.ncu.edu.tw/[@more@]


■ 誰的語法?-談所謂「標準英語」的語法 [臺灣師範大學英語系 張武昌教授 ]

或許是在學校課堂裡學習英語的經驗使然,一般人總以為英語有一套「放諸四海而皆準」的語法:符合這套語法的英語才是正確的「標準英語」;若是違反這套語法的規則,就是不正確的、不標準的(substandard)的英語。 詳全文

■ 師生也瘋狂[網路轉錄] [松山家商 楊貞婉老師 ] 詳全文

■ Safety Counts from A to Z [臺北縣竹圍國小 王淑玲老師 ] 詳全文

■ 淺談多元智能融入英語教學活動─ 以自編教材I Want to Be a Teacher為例 [雲林縣立安慶國小 周稚岡老師 ] 詳全文

■ 我的部落格經驗與感想 [國立虎尾科技大學助理教授暨語言中心主任 王清煌老師 ] 詳全文

What is World Teachers’ Day? 轉載自 魅力電子報-全教會


What is World Teachers’ Day?
【全教會‧文宣部/Apple 940927】

魅力電子報-全教會 <master@mail.nta.tp.edu.tw>


What is World Teachers’ Day?

On 5 October, teachers’ organisations worldwide mobilise(動員) to ensure that the needs of future generations are taken into consideration in this increasingly complex, multicultural and technological (技術的)world.

UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 聯合國教育科學暨文化組織) inaugurated(開始) 5 October as World Teachers’ Day in 1994 to commemorate(慶祝紀念) the joint signing of the UNESCO/ILO( International Labor Organization 國際勞工組織)Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers (pdf 116 kb) on 5 October 1966. World Teachers’ Day also highlights the Recommendation concerning the Status of Higher Education Teaching Personnel (pdf 6.6 mb) adopted(被採用) in 1997.

According to UNESCO, World Teachers’ Day represents a significant(重大有意義) token of the awareness, understanding and appreciation displayed(展示) for the vital(極重要的) contribution that teachers make to education and development. Education International strongly believes that this Teachers’ Day should be internationally recognized and celebrated around the world. EI also believes that, on this anniversary(週年紀念) date, the principles of the 1966 and 1997 Recommendations should be considered for implementation(履行完成) in all nations.

Over 100 countries observe (慶祝)World Teachers’ Day. The efforts of Education International and its 348 member organisations have contributed to this widely spread recognition. Every year, EI launches a public awareness campaign to highlight the contributions of the teaching profession.