meeting note Ⅴ

Leanne showed the DVD from her school on how they celebrated the

Halloween holiday.

        Jimmy and Alenda shared the TPR game for teaching new vocabulary like:

Brave, cute, honest, shy, etc. They also showed how to play a Bingo game differently.


~  Introduction of Anita again to everyone.

~  Group discussion on Team Teaching questions collected from last

meeting. All participants were divided into 3 groups focusing on:

Ⅰ. Planning-

Ⅱ. In the classroom

Ⅲ. Team Relationship  


        Group : They picked question No. 1,3,5,7 in that category. Their discussion

on these questions are: Set a routine time for face-to-face meeting and strictly stick to the discussion. Ask each other questions—any questions about the class, students, textbooks. Asking is also a reminder for each other. They also gave a suggestion for less communication time: put a notebook on a certain desk, whenever who wants to talk or leave message to Fulbright teachers they can just write something on it.

  Group Ⅱ : They talked about the discipline in classroom. Some said that a formal

introduction of Fulbright teachers is very important so the students accept them as a REAL teacher, too. Some would like to separate class into 2 parts(LET with the basic part, Fulbrighters with the advanced part) so teachers can have better control of the classroom management. Others shared that they acted out a skit which showed how a well-behaved student can get rewards from teacher so the students can have a clear idea of following the rules. And different teaching style can benefit students in different ways.

 Group Ⅲ: They said that LETs would like to learn something new from the Fulbright

teachers. And the Fulbrighters can try something and then they two together can so some adjustment to fit students’ need. When the two teachers have different opinions, just give each other a chance to give it a try. Being patient to each other and even to students is also very important. Another thing is to ‘ work on the problem!’


Outcome-based teaching: Dr. Sroda explained:

             When two teachers worked as a team, two may know what their goals are but

NEVER talked about it! Something to start with in order to make it easy is to :

 Write them down. Make them explicit as possible. For example: What do we want our students to achieve in terms of language skill? What do we want our students to obtain by the end of this semester?

Dr. Sroda suggested that all teams keep working on the outcomes and bring the list of outcome of the team to Joanne Tseng at the teacher’s center on 6th, Dec. our next meeting.


Extra comments:

1.     Please hand in the weekly reflection and attendance on time. Ariel will send an e-mail with a chart shows who’s missing which week. Please do remember to bring those missing ones to Ariel on the next meeting day, i.e. Monday, 6th,Dec.

2.      The Happy Squad is going to present a show on 3rd and 4th of Dec. They would like to invite all the teachers to go to see the show and cheer for them.

meeting note Ⅳ

The meeting of 10/25 was canceled because of the once-in-a-life-time typhoon!

Gerald shared his ‘Homework song’ and played the song with his guitar.

       Joanne brought a Thanksgiving chant to share with us.   


~  Dr. Sroda talked about ‘Poetry and Pronunciation in teaching English’   



attendance : see the attached file.

‘Poetry and Pronunciation in teaching English’ by Dr. Sroda


1.      ‘No Pancake for you’: stress

2.      intonation: rising at the end –not knowing the answer,

 falling at the end—WH questions

3.      A good way to teach prosody—poetry and song (English is a rhythm-time language). And the use of tong twister.

4.      Chant and nursery is also a good way to address the prosody:

a.      I’m little teapot

b.      The Eentsy, Weentsy Spider

c.       Twinkle, twinkle little star

d.      Row your boat

e.      One potato, two potato

f.        Two Little Blackbirds

g.      Panic on being late Argument chant(from ‘Jazz Chants by Carolyn Graham)

Leanne shared a chant she made:

        What’s your name? 2

        Please tell me, what’s your name.

        Jimmy. Jimmy is my name.

James shared another one tuned: Row your boat

        Pork, Pork, Pork and Beef.

        Pork and Beef and Chicken.

        These are the meats we like to eat,

        We also like the lamb.

5.      Singing Songs:

a. The weather song

b. On Top of Spaghetti

Joanne shared a song from the idea of ‘Ten Little Indians’

  One juicy, Two juicy, Three juicy turkey



  Ten juicy turkeys all for me!

And Alenda, Leanne and Gerald also shared some other songs.

6.      Pick a tune that everyone knows, say’ twinkle little star’

And practice pronunciation like this:





7.      Long rhyming stories: one of Sue’s favorites—Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Suess

Extra comments:

        Jimmy and Alenda will present their TPR game next time.







meeting note Ⅲ

Reflection sharing and Halloween teaching tips from Dr. Sroda…


Reflection Sharing:

1.      Gerry and Buni(from Bi Hou)

2.      Leanne & Sharon (From Jhong Sing Team ) They made some costumes/make-ups for Halloween teaching(see the picture ) And teach the family tree..

3.      Hopkins and Angela (From Shing Sheng Team): They. played trick or treat at the police station. And they played guessing and counting.   

4.      Anne and Kelly (from Lo Dong team): They had a costume contest and some phonetic songs.

5.      Clio and Joanne(Tong Le Team):They decided their English week to be “ The Thanksgiving Week” So they teach Thanksgiving already! But the 6th graders would like to have more Halloween English, so they teach Halloween to the 6th graders.  .

6.      Katrina and Gloria (Gu Ting Team) : (Sorry, I was out of the meeting while you were talking. So I missed your story 😛 )

7.      Johanna and Jenny(from Young Le Team)


8.      Jennifer and Irene (from Long Tan team): .  

9.      Alenda and Jimmy (from Jhuu Lin team): They did Trick or Treat this Friday and decorated 3 bulletin boards.

10.  Jason and Droma(from DaTung) They made a book with witch and ghost inside. They also played Trick or Treat game with some material from textbook.

11.   Angelyn and Rosy( from Bei Cheng Team) : They did some Halloween activities , like black cat, pumpkin and some ghost stories.

12.   James(from Sing Nan): kept on the job decorating English classroom.:


Teaching Halloween by Dr. Sroda: (also see the handouts from Dr. Sroda with more detailed information on it)

1 Monster Building: teaching body parts, numbers and colors by having Ss ask questions like : How many (eyes)?  And  What color is/are the eye/s?

        2. Describing our Monster:

        3. Which Monster is it?



meeting note Ⅱ

Reflection sharing and portfolio… [@more@]

Creating a Portfolio by Dr. Sroda: (also see the handouts from Dr. Sroda with more detailed information on it)

A portfolio is a collection of materials which demonstrates certain outcomes or competencies.

Outcomes for Fulbright Teachers 2004/05:

Materials in your portfolio should attest to your competence in the following areas

Ⅰ Reflective statement:

Ⅱ Supporting material:

Lesson planning

Team teaching

Authentic materials

Integrated skills

Theme teaching

Class management

School-wide/ outside activities



see the complete note



Our first meeting!

Do you still remember ?


Three Goals for this year

        Joanne mentioned about the goals of this year. After discussing with

Dr. Sroda, Catherine and Vickie, we think of three goals as the general guidelines for everyone to follow. The three goals can be shown like below:


Team Teaching Discussion:

l          The insistence of using English only in classroom.

l          Q& A patterns as practice of conversation

l          The use of exciting games

l          One advantage of team teaching is that team partner can remind what needs to be considered like: if your speaking speed is appropriate to the level of your students.

l          We can acting out a dialogue while team teaching together.

Sroda’s lecture about team teaching:

        5 types of team teaching :

        1) Traditional—both teacher share and participate in everything.

        2) Collaborative or Supportive—one teacher presents and other follows with related activity.

        3) Parallel Instruction—split class into 2 groups and each teacher has a group.

        4) Differentiated Split Class – Split into groups according to level

        5) Monitoring—One teacher conduct lesson/activity and other moniters clears for progress problems, etc.

Dr. Sroda mentioned that amazingly each of the types have been applied by our LETs and ETAs! She would like our teachers think about the when/ how / why we apply the different types of team teaching.

Next, Dr. Sroda had each team discuss and try to make a list of “ Characteristics for Team Teaching”. Below is the list we gather:


Share idea (brain storming)






Sense of humor

Mutual understanding


Constructive criticism

Intuition (默契)

Maximizing efficiency

Balance of responsibility

Common goal



Sharing strengths

             Quality Teaching   

             Team Teaching          

             Culture Exchange

see the whole note