2005-6 Yilan Fulbright teacher – Katherine Mann’s Introduction

Introduction for Katherine Mann

My name is Katherine Mann. I am a 2005-2006 Fulbright teaching assistant to I-lan county, working in Datong elementary school. I graduated from Brown Univerisity in Rhode Island, USA this June with a BA in Visual Arts and a BA in Education Studies (concentrating in child development). I hope to utilize both of these areas this year while teaching ESL in Taiwan by blending both creativity and an understanding of child development in the classroom.

As a biracial Taiwanese American, I have a deep connection to the island. I hope that I will learn a lot about myself, my heritage, teaching, and children while I am here!


2005-6 Yilan Fulbright teacher – Annalily’s Introduction

Introduction to Annalily

Ni Hao. My name is Annalily Charles and I am working as a Fulbright Assistant Teacher of English in Yilan County, Taiwan. I am working with the very capable Crystal Chen at Shao Wei Elementary School in Lao Dong. I recently graduated with honors from Pitzer College with a BA in Environmental Studies and in Studio Art. I have taught outdoor environmental education at a field station and have directed art classes at Henry Street Settlement in New York City. I have minimal teaching experience but I am grateful for this opportunity. I hope to really hone my teaching skills this year, and to contribute to Shao Wei however I can.


2005-6 Yilan Fulbright teacher – Kathie’s Introduction

Brooklyn girl arrives in Taiwan – Starry eyed and stubborn

Oh I-lan!! What adventures await me! Suspense and suprises

Rain, rain, rain, (only on weekends) long abstract conversations, misguided ventures to men’s clubs, anyone remember the diaherrea song we learned in summer camp? Being chased by Taiwanese schoolgirls, starring in a science fiction movie, learning to be deaf and mute/ playing charades 24/7


2005-6 Yilan Fulbright teacher – Josh’s Introduction

Introduction to the Josh Overcast

This is Josh Overcast, Taiwan and elementary school English teaching neophyte. I’m looking forward to a fabulously entertaining 10 months of teaching 3rd graders, studying Chinese, riding a scooter, traveling about the Ilha de Formosa and, of course, composing weekly reflections. My hobbies and interests are various and sundry, but I don’t want to spoil the surprise by describing them now, so stay tuned for the next 40 weeks. My birthday is February 11, and I would like a pony.

Go, Justice Elementary!!


2005-6 Yilan Fulbright teacher – Sarah’s Introduction

Introduction – Sarah Via San Francisco!

Greetings Fulbright community!

Our troop of Taiwan Teachers have been on this humid island for 24 days now. The actual business of teaching English begins in just a few days. I am thrilled to meet my Local English Teacher and eager to encounter the many challenges ahead.

I look forward to documenting the noteworthy and mundane moments of the year ahead. Many best to all my future Fulbrighters and the hundreds of students that will be passing through our English classes!


2005-6 Yilan Fulbright teacher – Fiona’s Introduction

Hi! I’m from New York City originally, but my family has been living in New Jersey for 18 years. I am a dual citizen of the U.S. and U.K. I graduated from Smith College in May 2005 with a B.A. in East Asian Studies, and I hope to attend medical school in the future. I am very excited to be teaching English in the Nan-ao elementary schools with Shirley this year!



