轉知─國教署「111學年度建置加強國民中小學英語口說能力教師資源計畫」/ FWD-MOE “Using Games in the Classroom to Promote English Speaking Ability”

轉知─國教署「111學年度建置加強國民中小學英語口說能力教師資源計畫」/ FWD-MOE “Using Games in the Classroom to Promote English Speaking Ability”


閱讀全文轉知─國教署「111學年度建置加強國民中小學英語口說能力教師資源計畫」/ FWD-MOE “Using Games in the Classroom to Promote English Speaking Ability”

(國小)宜蘭縣「111學年度口說英語展能樂學計畫」─教師英語教學增能研習資訊/ (ES) English Workshop for Yilan’s LETs in School Year 111


閱讀全文(國小)宜蘭縣「111學年度口說英語展能樂學計畫」─教師英語教學增能研習資訊/ (ES) English Workshop for Yilan’s LETs in School Year 111

宜蘭縣111學年度「英語融入彈性」校訂課程發展研習計畫-第一場次/Workshop for School-developed Required Course of “Integrating English into Alternative Curriculum” in School Year 111-Session 1

研習名稱:111學年度英語融入彈性校訂課程發展研習計畫 第一...

閱讀全文宜蘭縣111學年度「英語融入彈性」校訂課程發展研習計畫-第一場次/Workshop for School-developed Required Course of “Integrating English into Alternative Curriculum” in School Year 111-Session 1