

Feeling Like Home–Bran’s New Experience in Yilan

訪問日期:105.01.23 英文記錄:翊慈/中文記錄:瑞文

BranChang, Yu-Shenis an American. His hometown is located in Bremen, Georgia. Later when he grew up, he studied abroad in Australia for two and a half years. It was when he studied there that he met his wife. Because his wife is a Taiwanese, he followed his wife back to Taiwan. Eight months ago, he followed his wife to go back to Taiwan, and they settled in Yilan.

Bran’s favorite sport is undoubtedly baseball because he has played baseball since he was five years old. Moreover, his hobby is art. As for his favorite food, he thinks his wife is a good cook, so he likes eating the Taiwanese food his wife makes.

Bran thinks Taiwanese people are very nice and friendly. Besides, they can speak English very well and the communication here is therefore relatively easy. However, Bran cannot speak Chinese very well, so he really wants to speak fluent Chinese. The above mentioned is what makes him love Taiwan so much!




