

Jimi Moe-The Founder of Spring Scream

訪問日期:105.01.26 英文記錄:翊慈/中文記錄:瑞文

Jimi Moe is the founder of SPRING SCREAM, an annual music festival held in Kenting in April each year for people who love music to show their great passion for music. Ever since its first establishment in 1995, it has become a time for music lovers to express, show themselves and exchange their experience in music composing. Because of Jimi’s great passion for music, he made efforts in promoting this music festival. Thanks to Jimi Moe, some singers’ talent in music is seen and they thus release their first albums.

Jimi is 168 centimeters tall and is from Seattle. Seattle is famous for its beautiful and UFO-like building called Space Needle. It was build when the World Fair was held in Seattle in 1962. He has been in Taiwan for 25 years. The reason why he came to Taiwan was to study Chinese. As for his impression on people in Yilan, Jimi said they are friendly, nice and hard-working. What’s more, Yilan is clean, quiet and natural. He is now a teacher teaching English, guitar and computer, and is a snowboarding teacher as well. He went to Hokkaido of Japan to teach snowboarding and just got back to Taiwan the day before the interview. His favorite food in Taiwan is stinky tofu though many foreigners don’t like it, it is still Jimi’s favorite. He has great interest in learning new things; for example, he is now learning calligraphy, so his hand-writing is very beautiful. He is really a foreign who blends in life in Yilan well.

這次的受訪者是曾經在TEDxTaipei演講過的Jimi Moe(牟齊民)――春天吶喊的創辦人,已經來台灣二十五年的Jimi熱情地跟在場的每個同學說:「Welcome to Taiwan!」他說他來台灣已經很久了,比在場的每個訪問者都久。


