ICRT~W7 4/9聰明的猴子試著省水

Smart Monkey Tries to

Save Water

(sfx: sound of water being drunk). Oh, excuse me.

I was just drinking a glass

of water. Water is good for you.

1.They say you should drink

at least eightcups of water

every day to stay healthy.


That means water is really important.

But not everyone remembers that.

Many people waste water.

They take really long showers

(sfx: sound of shower).

Or they let the water run a long time

while they are brushing their teeth

(sfx: teeth being brushed and water running).

They really shouldn’t do that.


I don’t think people are very smart.

2.Well, people

who waste a lot of water

aren’t very smart.


Maybe animals are smarter.

There’s a monkey in India

that might be smarter than

people who waste water.

Yes, I said a monkey might be

smarter than some people.

Someone in India

took an interesting video of a monkey.

The video shows a pipe

with a lot of water leaking out of it.


3.The monkey then

takes many leaves from the

ground to try to

stop the water from coming out.


The animal tries really hard to put the leaves

in the pipe to make the water stop.

He looks worried, too. It’s a very short

video, and I don’t know

if the monkey was successful.

But even if he failed,

he tried really hard.

When people saw the video of the monkey,

they were happy.

They also said the monkey is

smarter than people who waste water.

Everybody should try to save

water like that monkey did.


Remember –

if a monkey can do it, so can you!

Bye for now, and don’t forget to drink

more water every day. Just don’t waste it.


Don’t you just love the monkey in the story?

It tries hard to stop the water from leaking!


1. Try hard努力。

Emily tried hard to finish her homework

before Monday.

2. Waste浪費。

I wasted so much time on my Facebook!


Why do you waste money on sweet drinks?

Water is best for you.



3. Shower淋浴。

I’m going to take a shower.


There will be rain showers tomorrow.


4. Animal動物。

Wild animals can carry disease.


5. Show顯示。

Show me your hands, please.


Would you like to show us your painting?


今天學到這些字。Try hard努力

waste浪費 shower淋浴 animal動物 show顯示


1) What is one way people waste water?
A: By giving animals water

B: By drinking 8 cups of water a day

C: By taking long showers

2) What did the monkey in the video try to do?
A: Stop leaking water

B: Drink water

C: Take a video

3) Was the monkey successful?
A: Yes, he was

B: No, he wasn’t

C: We don’t know


1. C 2.A 3.C