宜蘭的A到Z桌遊/ Board Game, Yilan A-Z

Yilan A-Z是由宜蘭縣ETA(英語教學助理,English Teaching Assistant)計畫,在110學年度服務於宜蘭縣中小學之ETA們所發想與設計的一款桌遊。桌遊內容是宜蘭版的大富翁,藉由探索宜蘭在地的遊戲,使用英語來更認識宜蘭這塊土地。

宜蘭縣政府與學術交流基金會合作,希望能將Yilan A-Z桌遊推廣給國中小學生,歡迎老師們填寫表單申請。填妥表單後,我們會Email通知您拿桌遊的相關訊息喔!(請填寫常收信的電子郵件信箱)



Yilan A-Z is a board game to explore Yilan and practice English. This project was created by a group of 2021-2022 Yilan County ETAs.

Fulbright ETA program is a collorabation between Frulbright Taiwan and Yilan County Government. Yilan ETAs 2021-2022 created and developed this board game, in the hope to promote Yilan introudction to students in elementary schools and junior high schools in Yilan. Teachers can apply for the board game via the following Google form. Then some related information will be sent to your email.

**Only one copy for each elementary schools and junior high schools.

Link of Google Form: Please Click me 1
Website for the Board Game: Please Click me 2