

Classroom English


1.       Stand up.

2.       Sit down.

3.       Take out a pencil. ( a pen / your book)

4.       Put away your pencil. ( pen/ book)

5.       Open your book to page _____.

6.       Close your book. (workbook)

7.       Come to the front/ the board.

8.       Go back to your seat.

9.       Come here.

10.   Line up.

11.   Turn to page _____.

12.   Turn on  the lights.(fans)

13.    Turn off the lights.(fans)

14.    Read this together.

15.    Repeat after me.

16.    Read the first line on page _____.

17.    T: Are you done? (S:Yes, I am done./ Not yet.)

18.    Collect the workbooks.

19.    Raise your hand.

20.    Clear off your desk.

21.    Listen!

22.    Say it three times.

23.    Write down your class, number, and name.

24.    Do you have any questions? (Any questions?)

25.    T: Do you understand? (S: Yes,I do./No, I don’t.)



1.       Put on your nametag.

2.       Take off your nametag.

3.       Eyes on teacher.

4.       Hand in your homework.

5.       Push in your chairs.

6.       Copy this work into your book/ textbook

7.       everyone / everybody

8.       girls / boys

9.       group leaders

10.   Team A, B, C, D, or E

11.   workbook, worksheet, markers, glue, eraser, ruler…


1.       How are you?/ How are you doing?/ What’s up?

2.       How’s the weather?

3.       What day is today?

4.       What’s your name?

5.       How old are you?

6.       Where are you from?
