Through digital technology, children finally see themselves Today, I came to Bihou Elementary School in Nan'ao Town...
Through digital technology, children finally see themselves Today, I came to Bihou Elementary School in Nan'ao Town...
四月的季節,是科技競賽的祭典? 這個月當中有好多的科技相關競賽同時上場競技?? 109學年度科技教育創意實作競賽是這幾年開始辦理的全國競賽,但是參賽的隊伍數量,競賽內容的挑戰度,創意發想的新穎程度,每每都讓人驚豔~ 本次宜蘭的子弟...
「好討厭的感覺啊,忘個密碼就要重新設定一組新密碼?」 網站的服務越來越多,密碼也越來越多,一不小心就會忘了密碼,一定是每個現代人會碰上的問題。 但是,你是不是也曾經有個小疑惑:「忘了密碼,就幫我查一下直接寄給我就好了嗎?為什麼系統...
Today we will unbox the video on how to participate in the learning of Yilan Crazy Learning. Speak English and read...