

Not Far Away From Canada to Taiwan A Story About Teacher Anika

訪問日期:105.01.26 英文記錄:翊慈/中文記錄:瑞文

Anika is an English teacher in Ci-Xin Waldorf School. The reason why she came to Taiwan is that someone sent her a letter saying to offer a job, a house and salary to her, so here she came.

She is 38 years old and likes sports very much, such as baseball, volleyball, soccer, Frisbee, basketball and so on. Besides sports, she is also good at cooking and baking. She can make yummy stuff. Her favorite subject is drawing, especially drawing and designing houses. When asked about the difference between Taiwanese and Canadian students, Anika said Canadian students are active and lively while Taiwanese students are quiet. Yet as time goes by, she has found some change among Taiwanese students ever since she taught in Ci-Xin. She sees that students dare and are willing to show and share their emotion: anger, sadness and happiness. She said people in Yilan are nice and friendly, unlike those in Taipei. They are too busy to greet each other. Moreover, Yilan is a good place to her because it is clean and close to the sea. As to the Chinese New Year, she thinks it’s fun and is a great festival because family members will reunite and have a big meal together.

At the end of the interview, Anika mentioned though the cold current the other day was exciting to us, we need to think about why there was lots of snow in Taiwan, which was abnormal. We should care more about the environment where we live.

 這回我們要採訪的對象是來自加拿大的英文教師,她在慈心華德福教育實驗高中附設國中小教書,這裡是我的母校,而Anika Teacher是我的國小英文老師,所以我跟老師很熟。老師不但記得我叫Wen,而且一下子就把我們全部十個人的英文名字記得滾瓜爛熟,記憶力真強。老師的老公是台灣人,而且很handsome!老師和師丈是打籃球認識的,老師是個運動健將,精通很多種運動,如棒球、排球、足球、飛盤、籃球……,所以又指導運動英語社團。


